See Sample Email at Bottom of Article
TACT has identified four bills this legislative session that provide funds to higher education and warrants support from our members. Brandon Creighton, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Higher Education, is the sponsor of SB 1102 (companion bill HB 3003 sponsored by Tan Parker) and SB 1295 (companion bill HB 3175 sponsored by Morrison). Here is a brief synopsis.
Awards grants to public junior colleges for creating, redesigning or expanding workforce training programs that lead to postsecondary industry certifications or other workforce credentials required for hi-demand occupations.
Provides funding to each comprehensive regional university to support at-risk students in completing their degree with a $1000 or more award.
The TACT Board of Directors encourages you to email or call your representative this week and let them know your support of these bills. It’s very helpful for the legislators to hear from their constituents. Click here to determine your Texas senator and representative.
As a constituent and educator in your district, I am writing to request your support of the “TRUE Bills” SB 1102 and HB 3003 and the “CRU bills” SB 1295 and HB 3175. I am a (your title) at (your institution) and know first-hand how these funds will support current students, as well as those needing new skills after losing their jobs.
As you are painfully aware, hundreds of thousands of Texans are unable to work due to the pandemic and these bills would help re-skill them with certificates and credentials to get them back to work in high demand areas. From the classroom, we hear from students how they lost their jobs or their parents are now out of work. These grants would also help keep at-risk students in school to complete their degrees.
Thank you for considering this holistic approach to resolving the Texas workforce issue and putting money in critical areas that will help Texans. If I can be of assistance to you for information on the topic, please let me know.
Best Regards,
(your name & address)