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Higher Ed Loses 13.5% in TX Budget

Call your Legislators Today!

After being told this session was going to be Higher Ed's year to receive more funding, the pandemic hit. Everyone was told that every department would take a hit. The Texas House released a budget decreasing Higher Ed by 13.5% and increasing that of public ed by 3.2%. The Senate's budget cut to Higher Ed is even steeper. (see article here) Obviously, public ed is important, but in a year when so many people have lost jobs and need to be re-skilled, this is the year to invest in Higher Ed!

CALL your Texas Legislators TODAY and let them know how the decrease in funding would impact you, campuses, higher education, and those that need re-skill themselves and get back to work. To find out who your Texas Senator and Representative are, click here.



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Texas Association of College Teachers

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