New Chairs in Both the House and the Senate
For the first time in memory, the Senate House and Senate Higher Education Committees both have new chairs this session.
Chair: Rep. Chris Turner
Vice Chair: Rep. Lynn Stucky
Rep. Angie Chen Button
Rep. John Frullo
Rep. Donna Howard
Rep. Eric Johnson
Rep. Leo Pacheco
Rep. Matt Schaefer
Rep. John T. Smithee
Rep. Armando Walle
Rep. Terry M. Wilson
Chair: Sen. Brandon Creighton
Vice Chair: Sen. Royce West
Sen. Paul Bettencourt
Sen. Dawn Buckingham
Sen. Beverly Powell
Sen. Larry Taylor
Sen. Kirk Watson
Also, Higher Education Coordinating Board Commissioner Raymund Paredes has announced that he will step down August 31 after 15 years in the position.
Come meet with staff members from these committees at the TACT Legislative Day.
TACT Legislative Day - February 15
FREE Event....RSVP Needed
Funding...Funding...Funding. There's not much talk around the Capitol yet during this Legislative Session, but the buzz so far is about the budget. Join your fellow Texas faculty and talk with law makers about Higher Education Funding and more hot issues. Click here for more information and to register....