Call your Senator Today!
House Bill 1927, allowing the people over 21 to carry handguns without a permit, passed in the Texas House of Representatives. As it was heading to the Senate, according to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, there doesn’t appear to be enough votes in the Texas Senate to pass this bill. Late last week Lt. Gov. Patrick created a Special Committee on Constitutional Issues, which at this point only has SB 1927 assigned to it. A hearing could be this week.
Send an email or call your Texas Senators' office TODAY and let them know how HB 1927 would impact you, campuses, higher education, and students. To find out who your Texas Senator and Representative are, click here.
TACT sent this response to the Texas Senators.
April 19, 2021
RE: Opposition to HB 1927
Dear Senator,
The Texas Association of College Teachers encourages you to NOT pass HB 1927 which would allow the carrying of guns without a permit. Just as we advocated for years to keep guns off campus, we believe fewer guns in society is safer.
With mental health issues rampant in our society and the cause of so much gun violence, a license process may deter or prevent an unstable person from obtaining a handgun for the purposes of harming them or others.
Professors are fearful that their academic freedom may be hindered due to the fear of retaliation for expression of their views. Professors feel it is very important for students to have a clear picture of their performance in class. Professors are worried about having honest conversations with students about their grades if they are carrying a handgun.
Please use your influence to reduce the growing number of mass shootings in Texas by keeping our streets clear of unnecessary weapons of destruction.
Chuck Hempstead
Legislative Director
Texas Association of College Teachers