Do you sometimes need new ideas, advice or a quick remedy to an issue? When you are faced with a situation at your school, do you ever wish you knew what others did in your circumstance? Do you wonder what other campuses are doing? Ever wish you could draw on the experience of others from across the state?
Now you can! By simply emailing tactmembers@gaggle.email, TACT members will be able to email other TACT members. If you can't find your invitation to this group in your email, contact us at staff@tact.org and let us know.
When you sign up for the email group, you can choose whether to receive every email singularly or daily in a digest format. As always, TACT recommends members use their personal email for any activity outside their institutions’ work, like TACT and other professional organizations.
TACT members are in this profession because of several reasons, one of which being lovers of knowledge. It’s time to bond together to learn what each other is doing and strengthen the community of those working in Texas higher education.