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Tech Shooting Proves Guns and Campuses Don’t Mix

Liz Williams

Prayers and condolences go out to the family and friends of Lubbock’s slain policeman and the entire Texas Tech University community.

Don’t tell me that recent “guns on campus” legislation didn’t contribute to this incident because the perpetrator was too young for a concealed handgun license. The law was another societal statement that guns are OK.

Don’t tell me that guns on campus levels the playing field by permitting innocent people to defend themselves. A trained, armed policeman didn’t have a chance against the element of surprise. Those innocents in Las Vegas were outgunned, too.

Don’t tell me that more guns contributes to a civilian militia “helping” law enforcement contain the bad guys. The dead policeman belonged to a professional fraternity which advised the Texas legislative majority and Governor not to adopt a policy of weapons proliferation. Maybe some of those helpers could help reduce the 500 vacancies in the Dallas Police Department.

America and Texas have tried the more guns is better experiment and it’s not working. Now is the time to repeal guns on campus and other laws which send the dangerous message that a little collateral damage of dead people is worth the trade-off of the image of big-game hunter and wild, wild, west.


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