Tuition Freeze Looming
Rep. Mary González, D- El Paso, filed a bill last week which would cap tuition at current levels until the Texas Legislature authorizes an increase. The argument is that tuition costs have increased more than inflation.
In the past, TACT has opposed tuition freeze legislation because of state funding cutbacks. This tuition freeze bill requires maintaining progress per the State’s Closing the Gaps plan, which is not happening statewide. Click here for a link to the bill.
Legislators need to know what happens at our colleges and universities
if there is a tuition freeze.
Another reason to attend the Feb. 15 TACT Legislative Day.
TACT Legislative Day - February 15
FREE Event....RSVP Needed
Funding...Funding...Funding. There's not much talk around the Capitol yet during this Legislative Session, but the buzz so far is about the budget. Join your fellow Texas faculty and talk with law makers about Higher Education Funding and more hot issues. Click here for more information and to register....